Access & inclusion

Pelican Pool Hoist

The Pool Hoist is available to those who are unable to access the pool through the use of ladders or indoor beach access. The Pelican hoist can be used in the indoor and outdoor pool.

Please contact the GLC on 9754 3600 prior to arrival to enable staff to set up equipment.

Aquatic Wheel Chairs

There are two aquatic wheel chairs that are available for the public to use. 

The weight limits for the two chairs are:

  • 200kgs
  • 120kgs

These chairs can either be wheeled into the water through our beach access in our leisure pool or hooked up to the Pelican Pool Hoist.

Disabled / Family Changerooms

Here at the Geographe Leisure Centre we have two Disabled / Family Changerooms.

In the larger change room there is a bed and bed hoist.

Both changerooms have a shower, toilet and multiple hand rails.

Large Changeroom

Small Changeroom

Beach Access

An alternative way to enter the indoor pool is through our beach access.

The aquatic wheel chair can be wheeled into the indoor pool through this area.

Stair Entry

Another alternative way to enter the indoor pool is through the stairs.

A sturdy handrail is there for extra support. 

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