Our 8-week Teenage Fitness Program teaches young people the fundamental basics for correct lifting techniques whilst also engaging in physical activity. Each week students will go through a variety of fitness classes which include strength, endurance, and cardiovascular exercises to enhance physical fitness and well-being. The program will build confidence in young people and support them to develop a healthy and sustainable relationship with health, fitness and wellbeing. Our instructors deliver classes that are encouraging allowing the program to be tailored to individual needs, offering supportive feedback for progress. Participants gain knowledge, confidence, and skills that will prepare them for adulthood.
Our teen fit classes are inclusive of all individuals and abilities.
Information - Term 1, 2025
Date: 15th February to 5th April 2024 (8-week term)
Day: Saturday
Time: 10.00am-11.00am
Cost: $100 upfront payment (late enrolments welcome pro rata)
Location: Naturaliste Community Centre
Enrolment: Please return the below enrolment form and the relevant pre-exercise form to NCC reception with payment.
Pre Exercise Screening Form 5YO-15YO
Pre Exercise Screening Form 16YO-17YO
Teen Fit Enrolment Form Tern 1 2025
Teen Fit/Youth Brochure 12-17 years

Group Fitness Timetable
Our group fitness timetable offers a variety of classes suitable for young people between the ages of 14 and 17 years.
Cost: Pay as you go (fortnightly deduction)
$26.00 (concession)
Membership forms: Application forms